Each individual has creative qualities to be developed in any learning path, but it is important that the trainee enhances his/her creative and manual skills in order to play an active role in the training process.
The partnership aims to realize an exchange of good practises among organizations working in VET and to start a new future cooperation among boards, training centres, and local, national, international authorities who are interested in developing training paths focused on human creativity. This has to be a key competence to be learnt at any age of life and in any learning context (formal, informal, no formal).
The final goal of the project is to make training proposals for groups with special needs more attractive and interesting and to show and recommend examples of training paths on large scale to the local stakeholders.
Teachers involved in the partnership will work to find out pedagogical solutions based on the most innovative and creative elements in order to make learning paths more attractive and where both cognitive aspects and the manual skills can be pointed out.
To create something new in the daily life is not only the artist’s gift but it is a power able to change and animate every human being’s life and in this sense it is understood that art can change a life.
Starting from different organizations’ experiences, teachers and leaders working in the partnership will carry out creative labs for their own organization in their country. The  labs will be entitled: “Art changes Life”.
Each  partner institutions will create labs in different contexts exploring different aspects of creativity: visual arts, music, writing, drama, dance, linguistic labs and ICT as well. During the project’s meetings, teachers and trainees will organize stands to show their work, their trainers will help them in describing what they did and how to communicate the creativity through elements of communication strategies. The trainees coordinated by their trainers will develop spots of each lab they took part in. Such communication will be made both during the preparation of stands, during their creative days, and at virtual level in order to launch such experience through the net.
During the project, trainers and trainees will report about the impact of the activities and  experiences. Then, a common report will be developed to be used in different contexts. Teachers will prepare a creative package in VET.
Methodologies deriving from contemporary needs, new ideas on making the teaching of the arts approachable and useful to enhance human values, education and personal growth will provide a new pedagogical experience of art as a whole, providing equal opportunities for all participants and respecting diversity